Sorry for not posting but it's been sort of recovery since the weekend.

The bike jersey will be arriving via FedEx (shout out to my buddy Keith Hill) and I’m giddy like Christmas morning! It will be one of the coolest jersey’s seen around Arkansas and beyond this summer.
We got word from Energizer that the big pink bunny is coming to ACH!! Looking like it will be

Someone asked me the other day if I really used the products of my sponsors. Trust me, this is no brown nose thing. I use all of them! Energizer makes the best hearing aid batteries around.
We got an email from FRS ( yesterday and they want to help out too! Ok, if you have been reading a while you know I’m an FRS snob! Love this stuff! If you want to become an FRS snob link over to them and you can get FREE stuff from them to try. You just pay for shipping. The orange stuff is really good to drink and it doesn’t hurt my tummy when I’m really hot and tired. They have these chewable candy stuff that reminds me of Starburst and the Lemon-lime ones or tha bomb! Hey FRS… you guys are alright!
Oh, if you have a Java City nearby, try their new drink!! Espresso Frio! Mick Jagger is singing Start Me Up in the background. This mixture has a horse kick! TRIPLE SHOT baby!! Uh-huh, you heard me!! 3 shots of espresso mixed into this drink. I had one the other afternoon and was

Looks like the weekend will take me to Searcy and back early Saturday morning for a 90 mile ride. Might keep going if the day’s plans allow. This will be the last long ride before the River 2 River. Oh, I’ll be out riding but just not for hours on end.
More and more friends are giving the thumbs up and jumping on the ride! I’m floored by the number who want to start in Ft Smith! Folks are taking the day off to come ride for the kids who have hearing impairments! It’s just the coolest thing!!
Ok, the midweek tornado siren just went off! It’s noon on Wednesday which means the week is half over! It’s down hill from here kids!! It also signals the end of my lunch break... bummer!
By the way, we need some more money to help us to the goal of $15,000. Please donate and help a kid who has a hearing impairment! You’ll be a hero!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
(Be sure to note on the memo line on your check that it’s for the bike ride)
Thanks for reading!