It was a busy day at ACH! Fun and good but busy!
I have to send a shout out to Dr. Hardin! Dr. Hardin runs our Sports Med program at ACH and took a few minutes out of his hectic schedule to talk with me about the knee. We have a saying at ACH about going above and beyond and we call it "Crossing the Creek." Dr. Hardin is always crossing the creek for someone. Thanks man, you're the best!
The other shout out flies out to Dr. Brent Sprinkle! He's not an ACH doc but a great doc just the same. I've gotten to ride with him quite a few times. He is a strong rider that can cut loose on a wild sprint that will eat you alive. Brent was also the one you told me about drinking chocolate milk after a ride for recovery. Ok, any doc that tells me to drink chocolate milk is a lifetime friend of mine! HA! Thanks Brent!

Funny thing happened just before I left the office for the day. My coworker, Charlotte, who has the office next door stopped in my doorway and said, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?" She loves the movie as much as I do! We laughed! I told her I was going to go back and get that statue and get her one too.

I got final word from Enterprise and the van is secure! Thank's Enterprise for helping us out!

Below: One of my biggest fans!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at http://www.archildrens.org/ or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
1 comment:
Are you going to be at the carve races tonight…
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