I started the day with about 600 other cyclist in Burn's Park at the Carti ride. That was an awesome event! My coach (Mark) and I rolled out with group "C" and hung out with Mike Mitchell and several others. The majority of my group pulled their shorts up tight and jumped up to the front group which rumor has it that they averaged a screaming 25 mph for 50 miles. There were a few local pro's embedded in the group and they had to get back so it was sort of a "Let's go knock this out right quick." HA!
As we rolled along it was funny because the "C" group was to average 16-18 which is a normal pace for most weekend road warriors. Everyone was talking and having a good time and I looked down to see us going 22mph. I cracked up. Most of the group were guys and seems most were trying to grab a spot in the group. I ended up at the back and was happy as a loon back there. Mark was mid-pack and started easing back as well and we headed on down Hwy 70 rather than turning with the group onto Hwy 161. I think one of the volunteers was sort of flipping out when we did it. Most knew what we were about to do.
Rolling down 70 was easy and the traffic was really light for the most part. We stopped in Lonoke for water at Daylight Donuts and the city was having it's free fishing weekend and it looked like Riverfest over by the catfish ponds. Oh yeah, shout to the guys working the fish farms around Lonoke. Some didn't just wave, they wave big.

Rolling on we got to the real country where cars didn't pass to often and we could even ride side by side and talk because you could see for miles both directions on the flat farmland roads. Next up was Biscoe. It was a one store town and folks waved from their porches. Ok, the scene is about to change like nothing I've EVER rode my bike through. There is an exit at Biscoe that puts cars over on 70. There was road construction going on on I-40 and many took 70 as the "get around" road. What they seemed to have forgotten was that 70 is not an interstate! Now take that and remove the shoulder of the road! Serious!! Here we are riding through the woods on a highway with no shoulders and trucks buzzing us. There was one time that my bike jerked so hard I really thought I was going down. The sign had read, "Shoulder closed next 6 miles." Wanna guess how long it's closed? 14 miles! Honest y'all that was the most intense 14 miles I have ever ridden my bike. For those of you that went to Hotter'n'Hell last year in Texas.... yep, it was mentally harder than that!
When we finally got to Brinkley we pulled into to first c-store we could find. I was mentally blown! I pulled up to the curb, unclipped and sat in a daze on the curb in front of the store. Mark went on in the store and I just locked my eyes on a tree and regrouped. Minutes later I told myself that yes, it was taxing and yes, you are mad but it's time to get over it and get back to enjoying the ride. I grabbed some V8 and water and we were rolling out again. Luckily we were in the middle of the town and the speed limit was 35 so the trucks and all the classic cars rolling through had to slow down. Then the clouds parted and the rainbows sparkled! We got to turn off and all the traffic went straight. I think I smiled from ear to ear!
From then on it was farmland and trees. Mark let out a hoot when we got to Palestine because that was the last community before Forrest City. As we rolled me knee went south. First time I've ever had knee problems on a bike. If I stopped pedaling it was fine but when I would pedal more it would scream at me. I started playing games with myself and thinking of my buds who push their bodies to the limits and keep going. So here's the list I have to thank for telling me tales of suffering to get through an event: Dr. Taylor, Dr. Lyle, DWonn, Mike Mitchell, Yale, Chris I., Rebecca, Shawkitty, Jo, Vince, Comm, Tracy, Bolder, Boomer, Wes, and JBar. Yes, I really did think about each of you and something you had said that stuck in my mind Thanks for the pull!

We were riding (or in this case limping) along and we spot the bridge on the horizon (you can see it in the photo), the most beautiful site I've ever laid eyes on! Then an even more beautiful site comes rolling up... Terri, my wife! We told her we just had to ride to the bridge and Mark's car was stashed at a store right there. Suddenly I had energy and felt much better. It always charges me up when I see Terri during my rides. Actually, she charges me up all the time. Yep, I'm a lucky guy! Between seeing her and Mark hooting and hollering life become good again!
We rolled into the parking lot and Terri had cold drinks and Mark had iced down Gatorade in his car the night before. It was so cold and felt so good.Bolder, hope you don't mind but I'm gonna steal an idea from you. Bolder has a Good, Bad, and ugly section on his blog so I'm going to have one this time.

Carti ride and the energy of the riders and volunteers! Great Job!
Hampton Inn in Bartlett, TN. Spotless and friendly as every Hampton Inn I've been to.
Hazen, you guys rock!
JB Hunt trucking, thanks guys for slowing way down and getting in the other lane. You guys are true pros.
Bad: No shoulder on Hwy 70 for 4 miles. What's up with that?!
The bathroom in Brinkley. No doorknob and the bathroom is in the front of the store. Yes, there was a huge hole where the doorknob was supposed to be but I was passed the caring stage! HA!
Ugly: A certain trucking company that I have written a stern letter to... it's back to driving school for a refresher course.
After getting cleaned up at Hampton Inn in Bartlett (2 thumbs up!) We had dinner at Bahama Breeze (2 thumbs up), spent some time wandering around the mall and Barnes and Noble. Then finally the day was done! Terri told me this morning that she thinks that was the fastest I had ever fallen asleep. She said I was out cold within 60 seconds....she was serious! Hey, I was a tired but happy puppy!
Distance: 103.53 miles
Average speed: 16.4