Friday, June 29, 2007
The After Shocks
I slept all morning and got up and returned the team van. Even though I've been sluggish, it's been a nice day.
Terri and I went to the Rave to see Evan Almighty. It's ok but there was a point in the movie where I had to really hold in the tears. There's a part where everyone think Evan has lost his mind building the ark and his wife and kids move out. Evans wife runs into God (Morgan Freeman) would at that moment is playing a cook name Al Mighty. He talks to her about the opportunity she has and standing by her husband no matter how off the hook the idea he has is. I just sat there thinking, yep, Terri has stuck beside me the whole way.
There are so many people to thank for training and riding the ride with me. There are those who are an inspiration just by me being around them.
More later...
The final chapter
We didn't make it to the river. In fact we didn't make it after the presentation at ACH. Yep, I'm disappointed but it's not a pity party. We did what we set out to do and that was raise awareness and funds for the kids who need hearing aids and Audiology services.
Here what happened:
We made it ACH and if it weren't for the great team I had with me, I wouldn't have made it there. I will never be able to repay you for your kindness.
After the presentation I went over to the fitness center and sat for a little bit and thought if I took a cold shower that would kick start my system and make me feel like I was just starting. I was getting really zoned out. I spoke with my coach a moment and the plan was to shower, get an IV of fluids and then see how it played out. Many endurance folks go this route so I was willing to try it. Things seemed to be going down hill fast. The next thing I know I'm waking up in ACH ER, it's 10:30 and they've already pumped in 2 bags of fluids and started on the third. What I heard was something about muscel tissue breakdown, kidneys and heart rate high.
We finally walked in to the house after midnight and I hugged the girls and told them I loved them and went to bed. I woke a few moments ago and noticed it was daylight. I stood at my kitchen window admiring the beautiful spotted pink clouds and wondered what it looked like on the Mississippi River?
I do have some really good memories and I'll get you a play by play this afternoon but right now I need some sleep.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I have been trying to put pictures on here but everytime i try they don't work. We will show lots later! Sorry!
Hope to see everyone at the hospital at 5ish!
Big Day - UPDATE!
I am going to try to do pictures and update again as soon i we get service.
Hey everyone! Its Emily (Geo's Daughter - the offical blogger of River 2 River) We got off and running at 5am on the dot. Everyone is feeling great and the weather is BEAUTIFUL!! We are stopped for a moment at the FinishLine store in Ozark. There was a sheriff that turned around and was coming very close to Yell's car (that i was driving...VERY NICE). He ended up asking me where we were headed and asked to escort us.

Thanks The POINT! WOOOOWW!!!!!
Kevin...Email me ( and i will give you numbers to talk to dad or get you another update.)
Hey Evie and Julie And Aunt Dana and Angie! Thanks for covering my groups while I'm out!
Check back in a little while... Gotta get back on the bike!
Send in you donations now!! (PLEASE!)
We will be in russellville about 10 a.m. at the McDonalds! Come Join Us!!!!
I will update soon and thanks to everyone for your support!
Please please please donate!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Fort Smith
We have been treated like VIP's at Holiday Inn. I got to meet Becky who kindly arranged the rooms for us and her son is also a Dr. Dornhoffer fan! She went on and on about the difference Dr. D made in her son's life.
Well tomorrow morning will come early... good night y'all!
Sitting on GO!!!
I had a package from Energizer on the front porch! There are cases of batteries! I have enough hearing aid batteries now to last the rest of the year and then some. Shout out to Serge! Thank you friend!
These guys also sent down the Energizer Bunny to say howdy to the kids! They even sent big foam pink bunny ears! It was a hoot. The kids loved it! I know I talk about the celebs that come to the hospital but if you have noticed, I only do it after the fact and the celebs are always long gone by the time I put these out. I simply can't put it out there in advance due to the safety of our patients and staff. After today I will be like all the rest of the staff and hardly ever know who came and went either. I just got lucky to find out about the Kiss mobile because it was parked in front of the hospital at lunch time. Mickey and Minnie... I just lucked out on that one but they were long gone when I found out. We have an awesome Child Life group here and they really watch out for our kids best interest.
Gotta load the van!! Come back later and I'll update!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Here's the latest mind dump:
Tech check is in the works.
All lights are powering up.
I'm making too many lists
There will be something I will forget but I will blow it off
We pick up the van tomorrow at noon! Thanks for the upgrade Enterprise! Chris you rock!
I have to do my big eating tonight.
Everyone has a way up to Ft Smith tomorrow.
Everyone has a room.
Stress level is going down now.
I'm blown away by the giving spirit of everyone.
Speaking of spirit... to all of you who said, "I'll be praying for you." that's worth more than gold!
Bets are being made on how many times Ginger the PR Queen will call my cell phone.
I'll get tickled after a while and start laughing.
My riding bud, Yale, will call more than her.
Emily will still get the most calls (teenager female = 500 calls)
We had 50% chance of rain today and it was beautiful blue skies.
I heard there will be a police escort in NLR!!
There could be delays due to rain but that's OK
I know that I'll get this ride done
I know it might take longer than I think
I know I'm very happy to have a BUNCH of friends riding with me!
I know without them, I wouldn't be on this ride.
I know sometimes I forget I was deaf a few weeks ago.
I know Dr. Mary Martha Henry is the best Audiologist there is
I know without Unitron and Phonak I would have never heard what Paula Dean sounds like.
I know Dr. Dornhoffer is my hero
I know Brenda Speed is my heroette
I know Dr. Jason Smith was there and played Robin.
I know there is a kid out there that really needs a hearing aid
I know I will be thinking about them during the ride
I know life is just really really good right now!
KKPT Point 94.1

Check them out!
News report link
By the way, KTHV have always been a huge supporter of ACH and we thank them!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday Quick hit...
Howdy! I'm giddy. Serious! It's the week of the event. I'm rocking to go.
The Ginger PR machine is going in full force! (Ginger is our ACH PR chick)
I got to hang out at the Point 94.1 this morning and talk live on air with Kevin Clay. We had a good time and even got invited to return NEXT Monday to talk about how the ride went. As we were walking out I saw a office door sign that said, "Jocks Office".. I stole it! Then I felt bad and put it back. It was too funny.
Then around 10 this morning KTHV came over and we shot in front of the hospital. It should air tonight during the newscast. Once it's aired then they usually put it out on the website and I'll load a link to it.
Be sure to keep reading this week because especially from Wednesday morning on we'll be doing a lot of blog updating.
Funny story: Remember a week or so ago I was talking about the new drink at Java City? My friend Kelley got one and she was saying how it wired her system! Hey it's got a triple shot in it.
One fo the riders for this sent out an email letting everyone know to start drinking a lot of water now, etc etc... then there was some tag about cutting caffeine. I laughed! Dream on sis! If I cut back on caffeine you'll find buzzards finishing me off.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Shout out to Jeff who rode with me this afternoon. I really was just going to take it easy today but I was bored out of my skull. So I rode...
Terri did make it in from her convention complete with stories of Ft Smith happenings. Let's see there was a sprinkler system rupture around midnight and it released who some said was about 5,000 of water on the 3 floor which made a waterfall down to the indoor courtyard of the hotel. It rained almost every day in Ft Smith last week. But she was in good spirits and even wanted to go out to dinner last night.
Got up and went to church this morning and there is a senior couple that sit in front of us. She is going a little slower these days and he is her biggest fan. Mr. and Mrs. Sherril are a huge inspiration to everyone around them.... they always have been. If you know a senior person or couple that's an inspiration to you, why not let them know? Tell them or send them a card. It will brighten their day!
Had lunch over at Olive Garden (Yes, I did have a take home order of ter-a-mah-sue! HA!) Y'all know I don't do Itilian without the stuff... yep, I know too that a serving equals about 1300 calories... and your point is? HA!
I had planned to hang around the hut today but just like Giligan, I got bored! So I loaded the hot rod into the Explorer and headed down to the river for a flat ride. Just moved the legs a little was all I planned to do. Say hello to my friend the wind! She was sort of messy today and a pest at that. As I was riding along I rolled past another rider and mentioned the wind. Next thing I know me and another Sherwood homeboy have rolled along to the BDB. He was doing a recovery ride from yesterday's Hotter'n'Hell training ride (70 miles). It will be his first one. He was smart and made his reservations last year for this year's event. If he is already riding at 70 miles with a couple months still to go then he'll have not trouble at all with the 100 there (unless Mother Nature sends the fireballs to Witcha Falls again like last year). Shout out to Jeff... it was great meeting you and getting to ride along this afternoon. I am finding out more and more folks who live in Sherwood are riders.
Well, heading over to the valley to hang with friends and have dinner!
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday 06.23.07

Aren't these flowers beautiful? And they had a rose smell that was out of this world! The leaves are shining and healthy. It's just one of those plants you just have to notice.

Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday night at American Pie
Friday quick hit ... Guess who came to see the kids??
Photo by Kelley Cooper: ACH
To everyone at Disney and Disney Radio... thanks for helping us spread Care, Love, and Hope!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday 6.21.07
What a fast and crazy week this has been. I seriouslly can't believe it's just one week away! I'm excited as can be! I'm ready too! I've planned and my friends are right there with me to help make this happen for the kids of ACH!!
Ironman, Ironmaiden, Yale, Razz, Mark, Robb-o, Keith, Jo, JBar, JMar, Shawdawg, Shawkitty, Rabiddawg, Coach Mark, DWonn, Patrick, Jenny, Brandon, JohnEEE, Paul, Mike, Charlie, Carti Training riders, ABC riders, BACA riders and the will go for miles... to all of you, thanks for getting me here... now y'all ready to go for a little ride?!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
This is taper weekend so not going to be doing a lot of riding. I've spent every free minute working details and going over details and plans and redoing, etc etc... I've got the equipment I need for the most part for the night section of the ride thanks to my buds! I have to make another list this weekend and start a pile somewhere of the stuff that will be going.
Terri is in Ft Smith right now and even staying in the same hotel we are going to. She is the convention director/planner for their associations summer convention. The weird thing is that it has been raining in Ft Smith most of the week but nice pretty much everywhere else. A sprinkler broke next to the secretary's room on the 3rd floor and flooded her room. Bet Terri will be ready to get home and crash a minute or two. I miss her.
Emily showed interest in the bike races last night when she came to get me. She even wants to go back when we return from FL. I think that's cool that she has an interest in it. I think the guys coming up to register liked having her sitting at the table too. HA!
So what's the plan for the weekend?? Well tomorrow night I get a buzz haircut. It might be the shortest I've ever had. Shock and awe for the ride! HA! Then I head over to American Pie for a club get together. Saturday morning I'm taking my time getting started. I might not go out to ride until 8 or 9. Just a big circle from the house to the river and back. Then I'll work around the house/yard and Terri should get back around dinner time so I'll unload the stuff at her office if that's the plan and then she'll crash. When she returns from a convention she usually crashes hard and fast.
Oh, I get the air card for the laptop so I'll try and do some video and photo uploading with the card. Should be really cool.
The jerseys are selling like wildfire! Everyone is saying they are the coolest jersey they've ever seen. That means a lot to me.
I'll write more this weekend and put some video and photos in for your viewing pleasure.
If you want to donate to the ride you can donation on line at
Or if you want to mail a check:
Arkansas Children's Hospital Foundation
ATTN: Geo's Ride
800 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Thanks and have a great Friday!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Wednesday lunchtime quick hit
We talked in our weekly huddle this morning about "Presentation". Margie did a great job presenting and she said something that really made since. She was talking about how our lobby here at ACH is a stress reliever. It really is! It’s a happy open place with fish tanks, water falls, shops and, a welcoming center. Before you even walk in there are beautiful flowers that line the area. Serious, our hospital is really a showplace.
I rode some last night and the knee is in good shape! Thanks to all my buds and the docs for keeping me on the bike for this. I worried a little. I’ll have a couple more training rides before the big one. Sounds funny but I’m looking forward to sleeping in a tad this Saturday morning. Ok, sleeping in for me means until about 6:30.
Word has it the NLR Mayor will be riding a little with me next Thursday! What an honor! My bud Charlie Hight is going to be out there too!
Well, back to work! We’re on a hiring frenzy right now! Yep, that’s a very good thing!
Hey, I still need some donations for these kids!
Online donations are at:
Mail in donations are at:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s Ride
800 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Take care!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday 6.18.07

Funny thing happened just before I left the office for the day. My coworker, Charlotte, who has the office next door stopped in my doorway and said, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?" She loves the movie as much as I do! We laughed! I told her I was going to go back and get that statue and get her one too.

I got final word from Enterprise and the van is secure! Thank's Enterprise for helping us out!

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saturday 06.16.07
light came on that it was the little girl from
I'm not ashamed to say that's one of my favorite

I flew past this sign then realized it was one of my sponsors signs
so I turned around and came back to shoot it. Thanks Delta Grow!!!
The day on the bike started at 7 and the plan was to ride to the river then out to Keo and back, evaluate the legs then repeat the course. As I was riding to the river I spotted a couple of neighbors with their bikes loaded on the car/trucks and heading the same way. Got the "howdy beep" from them as they passed. Both were a big part of the Carti group I've been riding with and then it dawned on me that there was one more Carti ride, a post event ride. It was announced before we took off that Carti's Tour de Rock brought in about $50,000. That's so awesome! Jennifer and the crew put on a first rate event!
Paul Bentley and I rode together a bit then we broke off at the top of the heights. He had to be somewhere at 10:30 and I was riding way to hard to make it go all day like I needed to. We made our way back to the boat ramp at Burn's and bidded each other farewell. I was going to start my Keo training ride. While we were talking JohnEEE came up he was going to ride some intervals this morning. We rode along at a social pace and he is an awesome rider and all around good guy. I was asking him if he had ever had knee issues and after explaining were the pain was (Yes, it's back again today already!). Sounds like I need to drop the seat a tad. Plan to do that and ride maybe Tuesday night easy and see what happens. It goes away really quick after I stop riding but today by the time I rolled back in it hurt so bad I was on the border line of barfing. Yes, serious, the pain was that bad. I was so glad I took the MP3 player because when I listened to the tunes my knee was secondary.
Funny part was that by the time I rolled in, I hated the tunes I had loaded. I wanted to pop Ted Nugent up the side of the head. Stop screaming at me!! HA!!! I told Terri later about this and she smiled then I told her what I really wanted to hear was some nice soft jazz... you know the kind of music that reminds you of your momma pressing you up against her bossom so tight you can't breath and she rubs your head and tells you everything will be awwwright. I thought Terri was going to spit tea! Ya jest never know what's gonna come outta my mouth do ya?! Well, it makes life a lot funner!
Oh yeah, I saw my first live and moving snake on the road today. I rolled right by him and lo and behold the monster started moving!! He was a big un! Looked blackish with a pattern.
I played with the video upload last night and it works but I didn't think y'all wanted to see a video of me chasing Sadie, our dog, around the house. Good video's will probably be posted tomorrow.
Thumbs up to the JB Hunt crew again today and thumbs up to Oakely Trucking of North Little Rock! Both trucking companies gave me lots of room. I was lucky to have a wide shoulder for most of the ride.
Terri and I are heading down to Bosco's for dinner with Chris and Rebecca tonight! Mouth is watering already! Chris and several others will be riding the time trials tomorrow. Good luck everyone on your race! Rock the race!!
Finished the day with a sad 74.41 miles at 16.6 mph average. It's tapper down time for the next couple of weeks. I can not believe the ride is almost here!!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday night and almost in tears

Yep, it's Friday night and I planned a low key night and it's so low that I'm watching the sprinkler water the grass. I got bored with that pretty quick and came in as the skeeter spray truck rolled by. I found the Phonak equipment and decided to test it tonight. Where I thought the on/off switch was, wasn't. So I found the instructions online and the next thing I know I was hearing so crystal clear I was in shock. Right now I'm typing in the office which is at the other end of the house and I'm listening to a comedy. It's on TV. Now don't laugh but it's a cooking show called Paula Dean. I have never really heard her before. Oh man, what an Southern accent!!! I laughed and laughed!! The Phonak equipment is putting the TV right into my hearing aid. This is blow away cool! I went walking around in the yard, flipped the switch and there was the TV. What am I going to do with something for cool??? I love this new hearing technology.
All I can think of now is training my butt off tomorrow so that maybe someone will donate a good sum of money so a kid can get one of these systems. They cost about $2,500 each but think of how a kid would succeed in life with one of these!!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thursday 6.14.07

Ok, ok everyone settle down. The FedEx man cometh and delivered the goods. I opened the box and it was a **GASP** moment! I first saw the rich colors and knew these was gonna be something to behold and let me tell you... it is! I serious, I am blown away. I never knew it was going to look this good. I took it over to show my buds over in Audiology, PR, and Transport. They all went nuts. Everyone wants to buy one now. They are limited.
First thing I did when I got home was tried one on. Ahh good fit. Loaded the bike and headed for the river to ride a little of the club ride. My training takes me on these long weekend rides so I have to keep it a bit slow on the regular rides so my legs will be fresh for Saturday's century to wherever ride.
Got a really nice email from my contact at LG (jersey maker) that said they were all watching as they were being stitched together because it was one of the best jersey's that had produced. Now mind you this is a big company and for them to say that made me day even more!
It's sort of a tos up right now as far as the route. Maybe from home to Searcy and back for 90 miles or doing a double shot Keo ride for about 140. I could ride the out and back for 70 to Keo hen see how the legs were feeling and take a short lunch break and ride it again. I do know I'm getting real MP3 crazy these days on these long rides.
Ok, for the persons who sent me the emails wondering what's on my IPod, well don't be shocked but here's a sampling:
Ozzy Osborne - Crazy Train as well as Bark at the moon
The Archies -- Sugar Sugar (Yes, I'm 100% serious and shut up man, I know you have secret tunes too!)
Wolfmother - Guns and thieves
Led Zep - Rock and Roll
Jeremy Camp - Run
Rascal Flatts - Life is a Highway
Rascal Flatts - Fast cars and freedom
Bob Seger - Turn the page
Some Foo Fighters, some jazz, some techno -new agey stuff
There's about a hundred tunes on there.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
Thanks for reading and come back because we're about to take the ride of your life!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wednesday 06.13.07

The bike jersey will be arriving via FedEx (shout out to my buddy Keith Hill) and I’m giddy like Christmas morning! It will be one of the coolest jersey’s seen around Arkansas and beyond this summer.
We got word from Energizer that the big pink bunny is coming to ACH!! Looking like it will be

Someone asked me the other day if I really used the products of my sponsors. Trust me, this is no brown nose thing. I use all of them! Energizer makes the best hearing aid batteries around.
We got an email from FRS ( yesterday and they want to help out too! Ok, if you have been reading a while you know I’m an FRS snob! Love this stuff! If you want to become an FRS snob link over to them and you can get FREE stuff from them to try. You just pay for shipping. The orange stuff is really good to drink and it doesn’t hurt my tummy when I’m really hot and tired. They have these chewable candy stuff that reminds me of Starburst and the Lemon-lime ones or tha bomb! Hey FRS… you guys are alright!
Oh, if you have a Java City nearby, try their new drink!! Espresso Frio! Mick Jagger is singing Start Me Up in the background. This mixture has a horse kick! TRIPLE SHOT baby!! Uh-huh, you heard me!! 3 shots of espresso mixed into this drink. I had one the other afternoon and was

Looks like the weekend will take me to Searcy and back early Saturday morning for a 90 mile ride. Might keep going if the day’s plans allow. This will be the last long ride before the River 2 River. Oh, I’ll be out riding but just not for hours on end.
More and more friends are giving the thumbs up and jumping on the ride! I’m floored by the number who want to start in Ft Smith! Folks are taking the day off to come ride for the kids who have hearing impairments! It’s just the coolest thing!!
Ok, the midweek tornado siren just went off! It’s noon on Wednesday which means the week is half over! It’s down hill from here kids!! It also signals the end of my lunch break... bummer!
By the way, we need some more money to help us to the goal of $15,000. Please donate and help a kid who has a hearing impairment! You’ll be a hero!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the River 2 River ride you can go to our hospital secure site at or you can send a check to:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation
Attn: Geo’s ride
800 Marshall St
Little Rock, AR 72202
(Be sure to note on the memo line on your check that it’s for the bike ride)
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
LR to Forrest City
I started the day with about 600 other cyclist in Burn's Park at the Carti ride. That was an awesome event! My coach (Mark) and I rolled out with group "C" and hung out with Mike Mitchell and several others. The majority of my group pulled their shorts up tight and jumped up to the front group which rumor has it that they averaged a screaming 25 mph for 50 miles. There were a few local pro's embedded in the group and they had to get back so it was sort of a "Let's go knock this out right quick." HA!
As we rolled along it was funny because the "C" group was to average 16-18 which is a normal pace for most weekend road warriors. Everyone was talking and having a good time and I looked down to see us going 22mph. I cracked up. Most of the group were guys and seems most were trying to grab a spot in the group. I ended up at the back and was happy as a loon back there. Mark was mid-pack and started easing back as well and we headed on down Hwy 70 rather than turning with the group onto Hwy 161. I think one of the volunteers was sort of flipping out when we did it. Most knew what we were about to do.
Rolling down 70 was easy and the traffic was really light for the most part. We stopped in Lonoke for water at Daylight Donuts and the city was having it's free fishing weekend and it looked like Riverfest over by the catfish ponds. Oh yeah, shout to the guys working the fish farms around Lonoke. Some didn't just wave, they wave big.

Rolling on we got to the real country where cars didn't pass to often and we could even ride side by side and talk because you could see for miles both directions on the flat farmland roads. Next up was Biscoe. It was a one store town and folks waved from their porches. Ok, the scene is about to change like nothing I've EVER rode my bike through. There is an exit at Biscoe that puts cars over on 70. There was road construction going on on I-40 and many took 70 as the "get around" road. What they seemed to have forgotten was that 70 is not an interstate! Now take that and remove the shoulder of the road! Serious!! Here we are riding through the woods on a highway with no shoulders and trucks buzzing us. There was one time that my bike jerked so hard I really thought I was going down. The sign had read, "Shoulder closed next 6 miles." Wanna guess how long it's closed? 14 miles! Honest y'all that was the most intense 14 miles I have ever ridden my bike. For those of you that went to Hotter'n'Hell last year in Texas.... yep, it was mentally harder than that!
When we finally got to Brinkley we pulled into to first c-store we could find. I was mentally blown! I pulled up to the curb, unclipped and sat in a daze on the curb in front of the store. Mark went on in the store and I just locked my eyes on a tree and regrouped. Minutes later I told myself that yes, it was taxing and yes, you are mad but it's time to get over it and get back to enjoying the ride. I grabbed some V8 and water and we were rolling out again. Luckily we were in the middle of the town and the speed limit was 35 so the trucks and all the classic cars rolling through had to slow down. Then the clouds parted and the rainbows sparkled! We got to turn off and all the traffic went straight. I think I smiled from ear to ear!
From then on it was farmland and trees. Mark let out a hoot when we got to Palestine because that was the last community before Forrest City. As we rolled me knee went south. First time I've ever had knee problems on a bike. If I stopped pedaling it was fine but when I would pedal more it would scream at me. I started playing games with myself and thinking of my buds who push their bodies to the limits and keep going. So here's the list I have to thank for telling me tales of suffering to get through an event: Dr. Taylor, Dr. Lyle, DWonn, Mike Mitchell, Yale, Chris I., Rebecca, Shawkitty, Jo, Vince, Comm, Tracy, Bolder, Boomer, Wes, and JBar. Yes, I really did think about each of you and something you had said that stuck in my mind Thanks for the pull!

We were riding (or in this case limping) along and we spot the bridge on the horizon (you can see it in the photo), the most beautiful site I've ever laid eyes on! Then an even more beautiful site comes rolling up... Terri, my wife! We told her we just had to ride to the bridge and Mark's car was stashed at a store right there. Suddenly I had energy and felt much better. It always charges me up when I see Terri during my rides. Actually, she charges me up all the time. Yep, I'm a lucky guy! Between seeing her and Mark hooting and hollering life become good again!
We rolled into the parking lot and Terri had cold drinks and Mark had iced down Gatorade in his car the night before. It was so cold and felt so good.Bolder, hope you don't mind but I'm gonna steal an idea from you. Bolder has a Good, Bad, and ugly section on his blog so I'm going to have one this time.

Carti ride and the energy of the riders and volunteers! Great Job!
Hampton Inn in Bartlett, TN. Spotless and friendly as every Hampton Inn I've been to.
Hazen, you guys rock!
JB Hunt trucking, thanks guys for slowing way down and getting in the other lane. You guys are true pros.
Bad: No shoulder on Hwy 70 for 4 miles. What's up with that?!
The bathroom in Brinkley. No doorknob and the bathroom is in the front of the store. Yes, there was a huge hole where the doorknob was supposed to be but I was passed the caring stage! HA!
Ugly: A certain trucking company that I have written a stern letter to... it's back to driving school for a refresher course.
After getting cleaned up at Hampton Inn in Bartlett (2 thumbs up!) We had dinner at Bahama Breeze (2 thumbs up), spent some time wandering around the mall and Barnes and Noble. Then finally the day was done! Terri told me this morning that she thinks that was the fastest I had ever fallen asleep. She said I was out cold within 60 seconds....she was serious! Hey, I was a tired but happy puppy!
Distance: 103.53 miles
Average speed: 16.4
Friday, June 8, 2007
Clock's ticking....
I'm flying solo for a couple days this week as Evie is on vacation this week and Julie flew to Orlando for the Child Life conference. They are great though because they had everything all lined out before they left so it's been really busy but things are running smooth!
I'm going to pick up my packet for the Carti Tour de Rock today at lunch. The ride is tomorrow and the reregistered number of riders is a mind blowing 530!! Way to go Carti! I have a huge respect for Jennifer and the crew over there. I'm glad that ACH is the sponsor for the Family Ride tomorrow with them. ACH and Carti... yep, that's like world peace right there!

Ok, the ride plans for the weekend: Start with the Carti ride at 7:30 in the morning then jump off the route about halfway and work it over to Hwy 70 for a ride to West Memphis. Coach Mark and I are driving over to Forrest City after work to take his car and he will ride to there tomorrow. I'll ride another 37 miles to West Memphis if the buzzards don't carry me off first. Terri will pick me up in West Memphis and we'll wine and dine over there and return home Sunday.
Oh the new ACH jersey is due to arrive next week as well as the event t-shirt! I'm giddy as a kid at Christmas! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
Y'all have an awesome weekend and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A note from Chris Irons
A Ride for Arkansas Children's Hospital
From Fort Smith (Arkansas River) to West Memphis (Mississippi River)
June 28th Start time 5 a.m.
Holiday Inn
Turn right out of drive and continue down Rogers Ave to Arkansas River
Over the bridge and under.
Stop or unload in warehouse area
Over Arkansas River Bridge into Arkansas
Fort Smith:
Turn left on 11th Street (This is one way and will turn into Hwy 64)
Over bridge into Van Buren 6
Mulberry 19
Ozark 14
Altus 5
Coal Hill 5
Hartman 3
Clarksville 9
Knoxville 10
London 8
Russellville 8
Atkins 13
Morrilton 13
Plumerville 6
Menifee 5
Conway 9
Mayflower 10
Maumelle 9
Down Rebsamen on bike route 0
turn right on North Cross 0
turn right on Capitol 0
turn right on Woodlane 0
turn right on Maryland 0
Go to front of ACH 3
Head back to Broadway bridge 0
North Little Rock 2
East Broadway 0
turn right to Lynch Drive 0
To Faulkner Lake Road 0
To North Walkers Corner 0
turn right onto Hwy 70 0
Lonoke 23
Carlise 9
Hazen 10
Brinkley 25
Biscoe 14
Wheatley 20
Goodwin 5
Forrest City 15
West Memphis 37
In West Memphis turn right on South 8th street and follow to river. 2
Wednesday morning buzz...
I rode the north side of the river last evening and had a nice solo thing going on then I had something happen that completely blew my mind.
While crossing the long wooden bridge down by the Burn's Park boat ramp I had a guy fly past me on the right... on the bridge. Man, that was some careless and dangerous riding!! All the good local riders know that bridge is barely wide enough for one bike and to zip across and go under a rider is plain stupid! Here's the weird part. I looked back before crossing the bridge and there was no one behind me then whoa, there he was. If he is reading this... hey fella, that was just lame riding on your part. Wise up before you hurt someone out there!
Ok, I'm off the soapbox now... the rest of the ride was fun. Lots of families out and spotted a couple of ACH folks out riding and saw a lot more heading to the Travelers game last night. I had forgotten all about that it was the rescheduled ACH night at the Travelers game. Hope you guys had a great time!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
06.05.07 Check out UNITRON!
Check out this awesome web site! It's the kids section from Unitron. these guys made my hearing aid and changed my life! They do awesome stuff for kids!
Also if you think you may need a hearing aid these guys have some of the coolest technology around. Check out the hearing aid called Moxi (!! Very high tech looking.

I love how everyone walks around these days wearing ear pieces and calling them cell phones! I've been wearing ear pieces for years now! HA!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Quick hit Monday
Should be out on the bike Tuesday afternoon for an easy ride since I'll do mega miles on Saturday.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Saturday 06.03.07

Friday, June 1, 2007
Friday quick hit

Plans are falling in place for the weekend and it looks like a CARTI training ride and this weekend will be recovery weekend menaing a max of about 4 hours tomorrow and 3 on Sunday. Should end the weekend with about 70 miles total.

Next weekend things are falling in place to start off with the Carti Tour de Rock ( but jump off in mid course and ride on to West Memphis where Terri will pick me up and kidnap me for the rest of the