Awww right, here's the rest of the week stuff.
Thursday evening: River trail riding with the gang. Coach says, "I don't want to see you out there hammering! Save the legs for the weekend."
Friday: Bike cleaning if my wife and I don't have a date night... we usually do. Hey, y'all ever been to Roma in Jacksonville? Oh man, it's tha bomb!!!
Saturday: Last CARTI training ride. 8 a.m. at Burn's Park soccer fields. Next Saturday is the Tour de Rock that CARTI does and it's an all out blast! ACH also has a family ride in connection with it. This last training ride will be for 45 miles. The course next weekend for the actual ride is 50. This has been a lot of fun to train with because some of these riders are riding their first 50 mile ride. That's so awesome! It's the Little Rock Marathon on bikes for them. I so proud of those folks!
After the CARTI ride I'll either keep riding for the remainder of the day or I'll ask my coach to flip my recovery weekend and let this be recovery weekend and next weekend ride to Memphis. I would start with the Tour de Rock but jump the course and keeping on riding. Just like my sponsor dudes Energizer... just keep going and going! I need to ride that part of the course and Terri and I have talked about her picking me up in West Memphis and jumping the river and playing in Memphis for the weekend. I guess I could go really crazy and ride back to Sherwood. the next day.
ACH story: The other day I was walking over to Java City (Y'all stop laughing!) and there was a
guy sitting outside in the reflecting pool area. He was talking on the cell phone and had his head down. He was crying. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a parent cry. I guess sometimes folks think we all just get used to it but we have too much compassion and there are many of us who have been at ACH for years and still get choked up. That's what makes us the best!

Thanks for reading! If you are just jumping on to reading the blog...welcome to River 2 River!
Later y'all!
To donate go to and click on "DONATE NOW"
or send your check to:
Arkansas Children's Hospital Foundation
River 2 River Ride
800 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72120
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